Terms and conditions
of Sale
Company Info
Alice Prud'homme
Auto company - AP Coaching
88 Rue Aristide Briand
42510 Bussières
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Alice Prud'homme - Manager of her own structure
Siret: 449 399 492 00015
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Article 1: Preamble
The online training and coaching site was set up by Alice Prud'homme who is the operator.
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Any order validated and confirmed by the buyer on the online training site implies the prior acceptance of these general conditions and constitutes a mandate for the seller. The buyer thus acknowledges being fully informed of the fact that his agreement to the content of these general conditions does not require a handwritten signature, insofar as he orders the products presented therein online.
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The buyer declares to have full legal capacity allowing him to engage under these general conditions of sale.
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These conditions of sale will prevail over all other general or specific conditions not expressly approved by Alice Prud'homme. Alice Prud'homme reserves the right to modify its conditions of sale at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the order by the buyer.
Product : refers to the products likely to be offered for sale by the online training site Alice Prud'homme /
Salesperson : refers to Alice Prud'homme.
Buyer : refers to the person likely to use the online training site after acceptance of the general conditions of sale and having received his right of access by email.
Articles 2: The Products
Alice Prud'homme provides:
online training
personalized individual coaching online and in person
face-to-face workshops
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get to know each other better ;
increase self-confidence;
obtain professional retraining keys;
overcome a difficulty.
Article 3: Prices & Payments
The products are supplied at the current prices appearing on the site. The prices are expressed in Euros, and including all taxes. Alice Prud'homme reserves the right to modify its prices at any time.
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The price is payable in cash, in full on the day of ordering the products or consulting. The payment of the order will be made by the following means of payment: transfer or check. Alice Prud'homme reserves the right to suspend any order management in the event of refusal of payment authorization by financial organizations.
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Late payment penalties of an amount equal to the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent refinancing operation increased by 10 percentage points is automatically applicable to the unpaid amount beyond the scheduled payment date. . There is also a lump sum indemnity for recovery costs, the amount of which is set at 40 euros.
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In addition, the buyer remains informed that Alice Prud'homme can not be held responsible for any embezzlement or fraudulent use of any means of payment.
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Alice Prud'homme reminds that all consultations not canceled 48 hours in advance are due.
Company Info
Alice Prud'homme
Auto company - AP Coaching
45 Rue des Minimes
42300 Roanne
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Alice Prud'homme - Manager of her own structure
Siret: 887 732 089 00016
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Article 1: Preamble
The online training and coaching site was set up by Alice Prud'homme who is the operator.
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Any order validated and confirmed by the buyer on the site implies the prior acceptance of these general conditions and constitutes a mandate for the seller. The buyer thus acknowledges being fully informed of the fact that his agreement to the content of these general conditions does not require a handwritten signature, insofar as he orders the products presented therein online.
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The buyer declares to have full legal capacity allowing him to engage under these general conditions of sale.
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These conditions of sale will prevail over all other general or specific conditions not expressly approved by Alice Prud'homme. Alice Prud'homme reserves the right to modify its conditions of sale at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the order by the buyer.
Product : refers to the products likely to be offered for sale by the online training site Alice Prud'homme /
Salesperson : refers to Alice Prud'homme.
Buyer : refers to the person likely to use the online training site after acceptance of the general conditions of sale and having received his right of access by email.
Articles 2: The Products
Alice Prud'homme provides:
online training
personalized individual coaching online and in person
face-to-face workshops
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
get to know each other better ;
increase self-confidence;
obtain professional retraining keys;
overcome a difficulty.
Article 3: Prices & Payments
The products are supplied at the current prices appearing on the site. The prices are expressed in Euros, and including all taxes. Alice Prud'homme reserves the right to modify its prices at any time.
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The price is payable in cash, in full on the day of ordering the products or consulting. The payment of the order will be made by the following means of payment: transfer or check. Alice Prud'homme reserves the right to suspend any order management in the event of refusal of payment authorization by financial organizations.
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Late payment penalties of an amount equal to the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent refinancing operation increased by 10 percentage points is automatically applicable to the unpaid amount beyond the scheduled payment date. . There is also a lump sum indemnity for recovery costs, the amount of which is set at 40 euros.
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In addition, the buyer remains informed that Alice Prud'homme can not be held responsible for any embezzlement or fraudulent use of any means of payment.
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Alice Prud'homme reminds that all consultations not canceled 48 hours in advance are due.
Article 3: Intellectual properties
All elements of the site and products are and remain the intellectual and exclusive property of Alice Prud'homme. No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, redistribute, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site whether they are software, visual or audio or to communicate their personal identifiers for connection to the member area. to a third party.
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Article 4: Obligations
From the seller : Alice Prud'homme is bound by an obligation of means and not of results . She cannot therefore be held responsible in the event of failure to achieve a goal (for example: to have a girlfriend). On the other hand, it undertakes to give all the means, keys and exercises to reach this objective. Alice Prud'homme reserves the right to estimate which exercises are the most appropriate for each client.
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From the buyer : By working with Alice Prud'homme, the buyer undertakes to carry out the exercises requested in order to optimize his chances of success. He also undertakes to notify Madame Alice Prud'homme as soon as possible as soon as he encounters a difficulty with payments, schedule or any difficulties during the personalized or online support.
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Last modifications: 12/10/2020